Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Top 5 Side Hustles to Boost Your Income

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In today’s fast-paced world, finding other sources of income is not just a trend but has become necessary for many people. Whether you’re saving money for something bigger, paying off debt, or just looking to strengthen your financial position, Side Hustles can be a way to generate more income than you need. However, with so many options, how do you make the right choice?

To help you solve this dilemma, we have created a list of 5 great Side Hustles jobs that you can include in your busy life and increase your income to a great extent. Read on and learn about opportunities that could transform your financial situation!

Want to make more money with these extra income-earning methods? To better manage your income and take full advantage of your new income streams, check out our guide to budgeting hacks!

What is Side Hustle?

Side Hustles (Part-time earning) means doing any additional work apart from your main earning. This is usually a flexible job that you can do while earning a little extra money alongside your full-time job or other responsibilities.

Part-time earnings can be of many types, such as freelance work, side hustles (part-time) job, small business or any hobby that you can make a source of income. This allows you to pursue your hobbies, learn new skills, and even try out potential business ideas without having to leave your main job while increasing your income.

Best 5 Side Hustle  From Home

Top 5 Side Hustles to Boost Your Income

Let’s see the top 5 best side hustles from home to boost your income

1. Online Freelancing

Freelancing is a great way to side hustles from home. Freelancers work on a project basis for one or several clients and you can do this in your spare time. Freelance graphic designers, writers, editors, and website developers are in high demand, but there are many other fields where freelancing opportunities are available.

Cost & Platform: Advertise your freelancing skills to your friends and relatives through your email and social media accounts for free. You can also reach out to potential clients by using freelancer portals like Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer.com, which handle project management and payment for you.

Advertising your skills on your website makes your work look more professional, plus you can easily facilitate online billing and payments through Square or another online payment provider.

2. Blogger

Do you enjoy writing and sharing information with people? Then it is the best way for side hustles, it consider starting a blog on your favourite topic, such as travel, food, fashion or beauty.   As people visiting your blog (traffic) increases, you can earn from advertisements or affiliate sales. Advertisements pay you every time someone views your blog or clicks on it. Whereas, in Affiliate Sales you get paid for promoting a product or service. When someone purchases by clicking the link given on your blog, you get a commission on it.

Cost and platform: Running a simple blog can cost around Rs 4,110 to Rs 8,220 per year. For this, you will have to purchase a domain name and create a blog website using a WordPress hosting service or a website-building platform like Wix or Squarespace. All of them provide easy website-building tools and attractive blog templates, so you won’t need to pay a designer or developer.

3. Tutoring and Instruction

Are you adept at teaching or training someone? Academics, music, fine arts or sports – if you have talent in any field, you can earn good money by becoming a tutor or coach. You can contact the parents to arrange classes at a convenient time for the children and don’t forget the adults too. Adults also like to hone their skills, and depending on your schedule, they can often take classes during school hours.

Platform: In most cases, initial costs are low, and apps and online platforms like TakeLessons.com help you promote your service and manage classes and payments. If you want, you can also manage bookings and payments yourself using Square.

4. E-Commerce Reseller

Many successful part-time earning methods are based on e-commerce, where you buy goods from multiple sellers, stock and then sell them. However, in this method, you may have to invest more initially and it may take more time to start, but many entrepreneurs convert this side hustles work into a full-time business. You can combine e-commerce sales with income from POD (Print on Demand) items, dropshipping products, and affiliate blogging to increase your income even further.

Cost: The cost to start this kind of side hustles work can range from around Rs 41,292 to Rs 4,12,836 or even more, depending on how much stock you buy initially. However, purchasing a good e-commerce platform will not cost much.

Platform: Starting packages for platforms like Shopify, WordPress with WooCommerce, and Weebly by Square range from free to just Rs 2,394 per month.

5. Online Surveys

Many marketing research companies are willing to pay you for your opinion on various products, systems and topics. While this method may not help you build your own business, it is an easy way to earn some extra money in your spare time.

Most survey companies ask you to create an online account and link your PayPal, Venmo, or CashApp account for payment. Then, you can find and select the surveys that interest you through an app or online dashboard.

If selected, you complete a questionnaire or project and typically get paid within a few days. Many surveys pay around Rs 165 to Rs 825 for your few minutes, while some may offer more than Rs 8,256 for in-depth product reviews or questionnaires.

Cost and Platform: This is a no-cost side hustles-earning method. Trusted survey groups like User Interviews, Survey Junkie, and Dscout have no initial or monthly fees. However, it can take time to review and apply for the various opportunities. To save you time, check survey or project descriptions to make sure you fit into their target demographic group.

How much can you earn from side hustle jobs?

It’s hard to predict how much you can earn by working a side hustles, It entirely depends on your work and effort.

If you get paid on an hourly basis, the more time you give to this work, the more you will earn. For example, let’s say you get paid $20 per hour and you can work 5 hours every Saturday and Sunday, which is about 40 hours per month, then you can earn about $800 extra.

Whereas, if you get paid according to the project, and you earn $2,000 by completing a project every month, then your monthly side hustles earnings will be $2,000. Remember that as your experience increases, you can increase your fees.

What skills are essential for side hustlers?

Depending on the part-time(side hustles) job you choose, you will need different types of skills. First of all, think about what tasks you naturally perform well at. Then ask yourself how you can use that skill to make a part-time income.

Everyone has some quality or the other. You too must be talented in something. You just need to identify the talent hidden inside you. Once you know this, you can find )side hustles (part-time) jobs that you can easily become successful in.

Is my side income taxable?

Yes, you will also have to pay tax on the earnings from your side hustles work.

Are you an independent contractor or an employee? To decide which category you fall in and which tax forms you need to fill out, you can visit the website of the Income Tax Department of India.

Because taxes on (side hustles)part-time earnings can quickly become complex, you may need a tool designed to help freelancers and independent contractors manage their taxes.   An alternative could be the Found financial platform. Found automatically sets aside a certain percentage of the money you earn for tax purposes, so you can meet your tax obligations and avoid any last-minute hassles come tax season.

How do you select an ideal side hustle idea that fits your needs?

Choosing the right(side hustles) part-time job is as important as managing other aspects of your life. Let us know how you can find suitable part-time work for you:

  • Consider your goals: First, think about what you want to achieve from this part-time job. Do you want to earn more, learn a new skill, or pursue a passion?
  • Incorporate your interests and skills: Choose a part-time job that you enjoy doing. It is possible that you are already an expert in some work or you may have a hobby which you can convert into a source of income.
  • Estimate your time: Think about how much time you can devote to this part-time job every day. You can spare some time by getting up early in the morning, in the evening or even on weekends.
  • Be flexible: Try to choose a part-time job that you can do at your convenience. For example, you can choose a home-based business so that you don’t have to spend time and money commuting.
  • Set financial goals: Also think about how you want to use these earnings. Do you want to use it to meet your expenses, save some money or spend it on a hobby?
  • Pay attention to the initial investment: You may have to invest a little to start some part-time work, such as purchasing a tool or taking a course. See if the earnings justify this investment.
  • Balance responsibilities: If you work or study, it is very important to manage your time properly while working part-time.


So there you have it, your roadmap to becoming a side hustles superstar! Remember, the most profitable part-time job is not the one that pays the most per hour, but the one that fits perfectly with your lifestyle and keeps you energetic.

Think of it like the perfect cup of coffee: it gives you a little boost of energy to keep going, without feeling jittery or tired.

With passion and a little creativity, your part-time job can be the secret ingredient that opens the door to financial freedom and helps you achieve your biggest dreams. Then what are you waiting for? Awaken your inner hustler and get started today!

Remember, a side hustles is a great way to supplement your income while pursuing your passions and interests. Experiment with different opportunities to find what works best for you and don’t be afraid to pivot if needed. Good luck!


  1. What exactly is Side Hustles?

Side Hustles means doing any extra work or job apart from your main income. This is usually a flexible job that you can do alongside your full-time job or other responsibilities to earn extra income.

  1. How to Choose the Right Side Hustles for Me?

Consider your Interests, Skills and available time when choosing part-time earnings. Look for opportunities that align with your passion and expertise, as well as ones that offer flexibility around your current schedule.

  1. How much time do I need to dedicate to earning a side hustles?

The time required to earn part-time may vary depending on the opportunity you choose and your personal goals. Some part-time jobs can be done in just a few hours a week, while some may require more time and dedication.

  1. Do I need any special skills or abilities to start a side hustle?

Although some part-time jobs may require specific skills or abilities, there are many opportunities available to anyone willing to learn and work hard. Consider your existing skills and interests, and look for opportunities that match them.

  1. How much can I expect to earn from extra hard work?

Income from part-time work can vary widely depending on the opportunity and your level of commitment. Some people earn a little extra spending money, while others earn a good income that can be equal to or even more than their main job.

  1. What are some popular side hustle ideas to consider?

Some examples of popular part-time earning opportunities include freelance writing, graphic design, tutoring, pet sitting, driving for rideshare services, making and selling handicrafts, selling goods online, and providing virtual assistance services.

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